
Electric welder
Xiner 2018-12-03 Loading...

The electric welder uses the principle of inductance. When the inductance is turned on and off, it will produce a huge voltage change. The high-voltage arc generated by the positive and negative poles in the instantaneous short-circuit will melt the solder on the electrode to make them atomically bonded. purpose. The core IGBT products are stable, reliable, cost-effective, and can provide differentiated solutions to solve customers' pain points.

Electrical Welder Optional Device
Package Voltage current Topology


600V 40A Single-tube
600V 50A Single-tube
1200V 25A Single-tube
1200V 40A Single-tube


1200V 40A Single-tube

C1 module

1200V 75A Two unit module
1200V 100A Two unit module

Aluminum plate

Replacement of insulating gaskets, high production efficiency and low thermal resistance

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